
Large Shrubs for your Garden


Large Shrubs for your Garden

by Arundel Arboretum on Apr 18, 2021
Large shrubs play an important role in any garden design and can provide immediate impact and maturity to your design. Large shrubs are very versatile, and there will be one suitable to your conditions.  Whether your soil is wet, dry, sandy, acidic or alkaline, there will be a shrub for you!  At Arundel Arboretum, we have an extensive range of large shrubs suitable for your conditions.  Large shrubs provide the framework for your beds and they provide shelter and food for birds and wildlife.  They will also provide height and shade to your garden. Large shrubs can be evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous.  There are many interesting varieties noted for either their flowers (Camellia), berries (Cotoneaster), attractive stem colour (Cornus) and variations in foliage shape and colour. Large climbing plants can also be considered.  You could consider varieties of Clematis or Trachelospermum.  Large climbing plants can provide coverage for a wall or fence and provide the backdrop to a stunning garden design. Here at Arundel Arboretum, we are a leading stockist of large shrubs, and a small taster of suitable large shrubs for your garden include:- Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’ Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’ is a delightful, dense evergreen shrub.  It has radiant dark green leaves, and produces large pink buds that appear in the autumn.  These burst open in the winter to reveal fragrant white flowers, which can last up to six months.  Once the flowers begin to fade, black berries follow which the birds adore.  The berries are a very useful food source for birds throughout the winter months.  Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’ will grow happily in shade or sun, exposed or sheltered positions.  This plant is an ideal choice for difficult positions and once it has established itself, it is fairly drought resistant.  Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’ can be grown in a border as a shrub, shaped and cut into a topiary or trained as a standard.  These can look particularly attractive in pots either side of a doorway or gateway. Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bouquet Rose’ Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bouquet Rose’ is a hardy shrub producing large pink flowers in late summer\early autumn.  The flower heads have a “mophead” appearance, but keep a neat, compact form.  This plant is ideal for your beds and borders, but will be happy planted into a container.  This makes it a very versatile and attractive plant for many parts of your garden.  Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bouquet Rose’ will grow in sun and semi-shade positions.  The flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies and birds.  The plant should be kept well watered during dry weather and will need protection from heavy frosts.  The intensity of the flower colour will depend upon the pH level of your soil. Acer palmatum Acer palmatum is a slow growing, deciduous Japanese maple that can be grown as a shrub or small tree.  The delicate foliage is small, five-lobed deep green leaves in the spring, which turn a stunning red in the autumn.  Acer palmatum has an overall height of between 6-10m.  It requires well drained soil with an acidic pH.  It can be grown in a semi-shaded position – too much sun will scorch the fragile foliage. We have an extensive range of large shrubs for all seasons, and we would be very happy to assist you with your purchase. Furthermore have a look at what we have on offer in our shrubs section. Please do call in to browse our quality stock – our knowledgeable staff will be only too willing to show you around and advise on the best large shrubs for you. We look forward to welcoming you to Arundel Arboretum.