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How to Choose The Best Trees & Shrubs for Coastal Gardens
How to Choose the Best Screening Tree for Your Garden
How to stop bamboo spreading?
How to Prune a Young Apple Tree?
How to Prune Magnolia Trees?
How to care for a plum tree for optimal fruiting results?
How to trim a cherry tree?
When to plant magnolia trees?
Screenage – Olive Trees
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Potted shrubs, plant all year round
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Evergreen Shrubs
Trees that stay green all year round
Popular shrubs
Most popular ornamental trees
Flowering Shrubs
Trees known for their spring and winter flowering
Large Shrubs
Trees known for their autumn colours
Abelia Shrubs
12 items
Agapanthus | African, Lily of the Nile shrubs
9 items
Amelanchier shrubs
2 items
Arbutus shrubs | Strawberry tree
3 items
Aucuba shrubs
11 items
Azalea Shrubs
Athyrium | Lady fern
1 item
Berberis | Barberry shrubs
Buddleja | Butterfly Bush shrub
16 items
Buxus | Box hedge shrubs
Callicarpa shrubs
0 item
Calycanthus shrubs
Camellia Shrubs | Japonica & Sasanqua
Caryopteris shrubs | Bluebeard | Blue Mist Spirea
California Lilac shrub | Ceanothus
7 items
Ceratostigma | Leadwort shrubs
Flowering Quince | Chaenomeles shrubs
Choisya shrubs
Cistus | Rock rose shrubs
Convolvulus | Bindweed shrubs
Cornus | Dogwood shrubs
22 items
Corylus | Hazel shrubs
Cotinus Shrubs | Smoke Bush
Crinodendron | Chile lantern shrubs
Cyrtomium | Japanese holly fern
Cherry Laurel | Prunus laurocerasus shrubs
Daphne shrubs
Deutzia | Japanese snow flower
Diervilla | Bush Honeysuckle
Drimys | Winter's bark
Edgeworthia | Paperbush
Elaeagnus ebbingei | Shrubs & Hedging
13 items
Enkianthus | Red Vein Enkianthus
Erica Shrub | Heather
Escallonia shrubs
Euonymus | Spindle Shrubs
25 items
Euphorbia | Spurge
Fatsia japonica | Japanese Aralia
Pineapple Guava | Feijoa trees
Forsythia | Golden Bells
Gardenia | Cape jasmine
Hamamelis | Witch Hazel
4 items
Hebe shrubs
8 items
Heuchera | Coral Bells
Hibiscus Shrubs
5 items
Hosta Perennial Plants | Plantain lilies
6 items
Hydrangea Shrubs | Flowering plants | Pink Blue Red White
20 items
Hypericum | St. John's wort
Holly | Ilex - Hedging
Japanese Holly | Ilex Crenata
Jacobinia | Flamingo Plant
Juniper | Juniperus shrub conifer
Kalmia | Mountain Laurel
Kolkwitzia | Beautybush
Lavender | English, French Lavender | Lavandula | UK Grown Shurbs
Lavatera | Tree mallow
Leucothoe | Drooping laurel
Ligustrum | Privet Shrubs Hedging plants
Loropetalum | Chinese fringe flower shrubs
Magnolia Flowering shrubs
Magnolia Grandiflora - Evergreen shrubs
Myrtus shrubs
Nandina | Heavenly Bamboo Shrubs
Osmanthus evergreen shrubs
Perovskia | Russian Sage
Philadelphus | Mock Orange
Phillyrea | Mock Privet
Phormium evergreen shrubs, ornamental grasses
Photinia Red Robin shrubs
38 items
Physocarpus | Ninebark Shrubs
Pieris shrubs | Lily-of-the-Valley
34 items
Potentilla | Shrubby Cinquefoil
Portuguese Laurel | Prunus Lusitanica shrubs
Pyracantha | Firethorn shrubs
15 items
Rhaphiolepis | Indian hawthorn
Rhododendron shrubs
Rose | Rosa shrubs
Sambucus | Elderberries shrubs
Spiraea shrub | Bridal wreath
Lilac | Syringa shrubs
Tamarix shrubs
Vaccinium | Blueberries
Viburnum Shrubs
17 items
Vitex | Chasteberry
Weigela shrubs
Zantedeschia | Calla lily
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