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How to Choose The Best Trees & Shrubs for Coastal Gardens
How to Choose the Best Screening Tree for Your Garden
How to stop bamboo spreading?
How to Prune a Young Apple Tree?
How to Prune Magnolia Trees?
How to care for a plum tree for optimal fruiting results?
How to trim a cherry tree?
When to plant magnolia trees?
Screenage – Olive Trees
Pines & Conifers
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Potted trees, plant all year round
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Evergreen Trees
Trees that stay green all year round
Popular trees
Most popular ornamental trees
Flowering Trees
Trees known for their spring and winter flowering
Autumn Colours
Trees known for their autumn colours
British Native Trees
Alder | Alnus
6 items
Amelanchier tree | Juneberry tree
9 items
Arbutus | Strawberry Tree
7 items
Bay Laurel | Laurus Nobilis trees
Beech | Fagus trees
2 items
Birch | Betula Trees
22 items
Camellia Trees
California lilac | Ceanothus trees
1 item
Cercis trees | Redbud
12 items
Cherry Blossom trees
67 items
Chestnut | Castanea & Aesculus
Ornamental pear tree | Pyrus
11 items
Cotoneaster Trees
Crab Apple | Malus trees
39 items
Crape Myrtle | Lagerstroemia trees
3 items
Cytisus | Moroccan broom
Elaeagnus Trees
8 items
Eriobotrya | Japanese Medlar
4 items
Eucalyptus trees
Spindle | Euonymus trees
Ginkgo trees
Honey Locust | Gleditsia
Golden Rain Tree | Koelreuteria
Silverbell | Halesia
Hawthorn Trees | Crataegus
Hibiscus Trees
Hoheria trees | Lacebark or Ribbonwood
Holly | Ilex trees
35 items
Hornbeam | Carpinus tree
Japanese Holly | Ilex Crenata
Japanese Maple | Acer Palmatum Trees
99 items
Japanese pagoda trees | Sophora
Katsura Tree | Cercidiphyllum
Laburnum | Golden rain tree
Lime | Linden | Tilia tree
5 items
Liquidambar Trees (Sweet Gum Tree)
15 items
Magnolia Trees
24 items
Magnolia Grandiflora (Evergreen)
21 items
Maple Trees | Acer
30 items
Metasequoia | Dawn Redwood tree
Mimosa | Acacia Tree
Mulberry | Morus trees
Nyssa | Black Gum Tree
Oak | Quercus
10 items
Quercus ilex | Holm Evergreen oak trees
0 item
Oleander | Nerium trees
Olive Trees
68 items
Ironwood Tree | Parrotia
Paulownia | Foxglove-tree
Photinia Red Robin Trees
65 items
Pineapple Guava | Feijoa trees
Pomegranate | Punica trees
Poplar, Aspen | Populus Trees
Portuguese Laurel | Prunus Lusitanica Trees
Privet | Ligustrum Trees
Robinia trees | Black Locust
Rowan Tree | Mountain Ash Tree | Sorbus
17 items
Silk Tree | Albizia
Tamarix tree
Tulip Tree | Liriodendron
Weeping Willow trees | Salix
Wisteria Tree
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