
Elaeagnus x ebbingei


Elaeagnus x ebbingei

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 13, 2022
Elaeagnus x ebbingei is a very hardy, salt tolerant evergreen shrub. It is very easy to grown. The foliage is dark green with a silvery underside. In September-October, it produces fragrant, creamy flowers. These are followed by orange speckled silver fruit late into the winter. Elaeagnus x ebbingei will tolerate partial shade and dry conditions. In addition, it is wise to avoid chalk and wet areas. It can tolerate sheltered or exposed conditions. This makes it an ideal consideration for a coastal plant for a windbreak. It has an eventual height of 2.5-4m and a spread of 2.5-4m.
Quercus ilex / Holm Oak-Evergreen Oak-Holly Oak


Quercus ilex / Holm Oak-Evergreen Oak-Holly Oak

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 12, 2022
Quercus ilex is an evergreen tree. It has small leathery green dark green leaves, with a white\cream underside, and black finely cracked bark. Yellow catkins appear in spring. Quercus ilex can be planted in full sun or partial shade, in a sheltered or exposed position. It prefers a moist, well drained soil. Being an oak, this tree can get massive. Annual trimming will keep the tree in shape and under control. If you are near the coast, this is a very good choice. It is able to cope with the salt conditions. It has an eventual height of 12m+ and a width of 8m+.
Cordyline australis


Cordyline australis

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 12, 2022
Cordyline australis is probably the best palm for screening. Cordyline australis is a small tree, usually forming a single trunk. This starts to break out as soon as it starts to flower. It will eventually form a spreading, bushy head. During the summer is develops a large, dense mass of fragrant white flowers. This evergreen should be planted in full sun, in a sheltered position. It has an eventual height of 10-30m and a spread of 1-4m.
Ligustrum japonicum Lucidum / Chinese Privet


Ligustrum japonicum Lucidum / Chinese Privet

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 12, 2022
Ligustrum japonicum Lucidum is a small-medium evergreen tree. It has oval glossy green leaves which can be up to 15cm long. During the summer and autumn, small, creamy-white flowers appear. Occasionally, Ligustrum japonicum Lucidum will produce fruit from a small black berry. If left unclipped, the tree will produce a wonderfully natural dome-shaped evergreen head. It makes for a very good screening tree. Ligustrum japonicum Lucidum can be planted in full sun or partial shade. It will be happy in an exposed or sheltered spot. Plant in well drained soil. Its eventual height is 8-12m and width of 8m+.
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’


Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’ is a highly ornamental evergreen shrub with dark green leaves. These are brilliant red when they are young. Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’ produces small white flowers which appear in April-May. They are sometimes followed by bright red fruit later in the summer. It is an ideal evergreen specimen shrub as is comes in may forms – bush, standard and half standard. Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’ can be kept regularly trimmed which will enhance the colour and encourage dense foliage. A very good evergreen screening tree or bush with an eventual height of about 16-18ft.
Arbutus unedo / Strawberry tree


Arbutus unedo / Strawberry tree

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Arbutus unedo is a large evergreen shrub or small tree. It is capable of withstanding a coastal position. The rough, reddish-brown bark flakes. The main feature of this tree is the spectacular white flowers which are followed by red, strawberry fruit. Loved by the birds! Arbutus unedo should be planted in a sunny, sheltered position. It requires moist, well drained soil. An eventual height and width of 4-8m.
Griselinia littoralis


Griselinia littoralis

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Griselinia littoralis is a fast growing, large evergreen shrub which is ideally suited to coastal conditions. It is an excellent hedging plant as it forms and neat and tidy hedge – ideal for creating a windbreak. Griselinia littoralis has light apple-green broadly ovate shaped leaves. Small yellow-green flowers are followed by purple fruits on the female plants where both sexes are grown together. It will grow in free drainage soil in full sun, but can tolerate partial shade too. It is easy to maintain and has an eventual height of 4-8m and spread of 2.5-4m. This shrub can be easily kept in shape.
Pseudosasa japonica ‘Metake’ / Arrow Bamboo


Pseudosasa japonica ‘Metake’ / Arrow Bamboo

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Pseudosasa japonica ‘Metake’ is a tall and imposing bamboo that can quickly reach 4m. It is one of the most forgiving bamboos available, hugely tolerant of the sort of conditions that bamboos usually dislike. The leaves are long and strap-like. Although the slender canes are green, these are almost totally concealed by numerous biscuit coloured papery sheaths. The stems have a graceful arching habit, which provides a wide spreading canopy. Happy in full sun or partial shade not bad for exposed coastal gardens. Keep well watered in summer. Mature height 3.5 – 4m.
Phyllostachys nigra / Black Bamboo


Phyllostachys nigra / Black Bamboo

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Phyllocstachys nigra is a clump forming bamboo.  It is a large, evergreen bamboo, with narrow leaves which can be up to 12cm long. The canes are normally green in the first year but slowly turn a fantastic jet black. Phyllostachys nigra can be grown in full sun or partial shade, in a sheltered position. Plant in a moist, well drained soil. It has an eventual  height and spread of 2.5-4m. It does have a suckering habit, which can be problematic.
Olea europaea / European Olive


Olea europaea / European Olive

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Olea europaea is the botanical name for the European Olive. This small to medium sized evergreen tree makes for a fantastic screening tree or stand alone specimen. It has grey-green leathery leaves. These help to form a consistently densely headed tree. They are easy to maintain as a shaped tree or just “left to do its own thing”. Olea europaea produces small white flowers in the summer. It should be planted in full sun, facing south in a sheltered position. We stock these tree as small topiaries for keeping in pots, as standard or half standard trees.  
Cotoneaster salicifolius ‘Rothschildianus’


Cotoneaster salicifolius ‘Rothschildianus’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Cotoneaster salicifolius ‘Rothschildianus’ is a large, deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub. It has large, narrow green leaves. In the spring, small white flowers appear. These are followed by pale cream-yellow berries. Cotoneaster salicifolius ‘Rothschildianus’ can be grown in full sun or partial shade. In addition, it will grow in a sheltered or exposed position. It prefers a well drained soil. Cotoneaster salicifolius ‘Rothschildianus’ is easy to grow. It has an eventual height and spread of 4-8m.
Cotoneaster ‘Cornubia’


Cotoneaster ‘Cornubia’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Contoneaster ‘Cornubia’ is a large semi-evergreen shrub or small tree. Its dark green leaves can be up to 12cm long. It produces white flowers which are followed by masses of large red berries in the autumn\winter. Cotoneaster ‘Cornubia’ prefers full sun in either a sheltered or exposed position. It requires well drained soil. It has an eventual height of 4-8m and a width of 4-8m.
Cytisus battandieri / Moroccan Pineapple Broom


Cytisus battandieri / Moroccan Pineapple Broom

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Cytisus battandieri is a medium sized shrub. It originates from Morocco. This deciduous shrub has silky-silvery foliage when it is young. In late summer, bright yellow flowers appear. These are pineapple scented and can be up to 17cm long. Cytisus battandieri should be planted in a sheltered, sunny position with well drained soil. It has an eventual height of 2.5-4m and a spread of 2.5-4m.
Ligustrum japonicum lucidum ‘Excelsum Superbum’ / Variegated Chinese Privet


Ligustrum japonicum lucidum ‘Excelsum Superbum’ / Variegated Chinese Privet

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Ligustrum japonicum lucidum ‘Excelsum Superbum’ is an evergreen tree, that is great for using as a screening tree, as it almost brings light in the garden rather than blocking it out. It has ovate leaves which are tinged light green with creamy-yellow edges. Ligustrum japonicum lucidum ‘Excelsum Superbum’ produces creamy flowers in late summer, which are followed by black fruits in the autumn. These are not suitable for human consumption. It will grow happily in shade\semi-shade. It is a hardy evergreen, but may drop its foliage if the temperature falls below -10.
Prunus laurocerasus / Cherry Laurel


Prunus laurocerasus / Cherry Laurel

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Prunus laurocerasus is a large evergreen shrub. It can also be grown as a small-medium tree. As a shrub, it is ideal for screenage due to its spreading habit. The dark glossy green leaves can be up to 15cm long. In spring, it produces small white flowers which can be up to 12cm long. These are followed by cherry-like shiny red fruits which soon turn black. Prunus laurocerasus can be planted in full sun or partial shade, in a sheltered or exposed position. It prefers a moist, well-drained soil. It will grow to between 4-8m tall, with a width of 8m+.