
Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’


Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 13, 2022
Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’ is a bushy, rounded evergreen shrub. From approximately November-May, small clusters of pink buds open into small, slightly scented white flowers. These emerge into blue-black berries in the summer. Its green, glossy leaves look good all year round. Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’ can be grown in full sun or partial shade, in a moist, well drained soil. It has an eventual height and spread of 2m.
Nandina domestica / Sacred Bamboo


Nandina domestica / Sacred Bamboo

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Nandina domestica is an elegant, small evergreen shrub. It has an upright, bamboo-like habit. The leaves are purplish-red in the spring, turning green before turning back to purplish-red in the autumn. Small clusters of white flowers are produced during the summer. These are followed by red berries during the winter. Nandina domestica can be planted in full sun in a sheltered position. With an eventual height and spread of 1-1.5m, it should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil.
Rhododendron ponticum ‘Variegatum’


Rhododendron ponticum ‘Variegatum’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Rhododendron ponticum ‘Variegatum’ is a medium sized evergreen shrub. Its large, glossy green leaves are margined creamy-white. Large lilac-pink flowers cover this attractive shrub in spring. Like all rhododendrons, it needs an acidic soil. Rhododendron ponticum ‘Variegatum’ can be planted in full sun or partial shade. With an eventual height and spread of 1.5-2.5m, it should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil.
Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Variegatum’


Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Variegatum’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Variegatum’ is an medium sized, evergreen shrub. Its small, wavy shaped glossy grey\green leaves are margined creamy-white and appear on black stems. As a young plant it is slow growing, but this speeds up with maturity. It is a decorative screening shrub. Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Variegatum’ produces tiny scented purple flowers in spring. With an eventual height of 2.5-4m and a spread of 1.5-2.5m, it should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil
Pieris ‘Flaming Silver’


Pieris ‘Flaming Silver’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Pieris ‘Flaming Silver’ is a small, erect evergreen shrub. A striking silvery-white margined leaf, the young leaves at first show no signs of variegation, but have a pinkish tinge. Small, creamy-white bell-like flowers appear in clusters in the spring. Pieris ‘Flaming Silver’ can be planted in full sun or partial shade, in a sheltered position. With an eventual height of 1-1.5m and a spread of 0.5-1m, it should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil.
Euonymus ‘Emerald N’ Gold’


Euonymus ‘Emerald N’ Gold’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Euonymous ‘Emerald N’ Gold’ is a dense, compact evergreen shrub. It has a spreading habit which gives good ground coverage. The foliage is green with golden-yellow margins. These can be tinged pink during the winter. Euonymous ‘Emerald N’ Gold’  may also produce small green flowers. It can be planted in full sun and partial shade, in a sheltered or exposed position. With an eventual height of 0.5-1m and an spread of 1-1.5m, it should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil.
Drimys aromatica


Drimys aromatica

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Drimys aromatica is a dwarf evergreen shrub. The young growth is copper-tinted turning a glossy dark green and green beneath. The striking purplish-red bark shows through the leaves. Drimys aromatica produces creamy-white flowers in the spring. It is a hardy shrub, which can be planted in full sun or partial shade. With an eventual height of 2-3m and spread of 1-2m, it should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil.
Choisya ternata ‘Brica’


Choisya ternata ‘Brica’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Choisya ternata ‘Brica’ is an ornamental, evergreen shrub. During May and June, it is covered with sweet-scented white, star-shaped flowers. If space is of a premium, it is an ideal choice for a small garden.
Choisya ternata / Mexican Orange Blossom


Choisya ternata / Mexican Orange Blossom

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Choisya ternata is a rounded, medium sized evergreen bushy shrub. The shiny dark green leaves are aromatic when they are crushed. The white flowers produce a heavenly fragrance in May when they cover the foliage. Choisya ternata can be planted in full sun in a sheltered position. It has an eventual height and width of 1.5-2.5m and should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil.
Ceanothus ‘Yankee Point’ / Californian Lilac


Ceanothus ‘Yankee Point’ / Californian Lilac

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Ceanothus ‘Yankee Point’ is a vigorous evergreen shrub. It has a wide, spreading habit. The small, dark green leaves are glossy with an grey underside. It is also known as the Californian Lilac. It is very showy for its deep blue flowers which appear in late spring\early summer. Ceanothus ‘Yankee Point’ can be planted in full sun in a sheltered position. It has an eventual height of 0.5-1m and a spread of 2.5-4m, and should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil.
Azalea japonica ‘Stewartstonian’


Azalea japonica ‘Stewartstonian’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Azalea japonica ‘Stewartstonian’ is a slow growing evergreen azalea. It has small glossy green foliage turning a stunning colour of mainly red to dark red with orange and yellow in the winter. Produces a spectacular show of vivid red flowers during late spring which last for weeks. It has a natural dome shape, which should be lightly trimmed after flowering in order to maintain its shape. Azalea japonica ‘Stewartstonian’  should be planted in a moist, well-drained acidic soil.
Euonymus japonicus ‘Susan’


Euonymus japonicus ‘Susan’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Euonymus japonicus ‘Susan’ is a variety of Japanese Spindle. It is a dwarf, evergreen shrub with a bushy, compact habit. It produces oval dark green leaves which are margined white. Small green flowers can appear in the summer and occasionally fruits will appear in the autumn. Plant in a moist, well drained soil. It will tolerate most soil types. Euonymus japonicus ‘Susan’ can be planted in full sun or partial shade in a sheltered or exposed position. This shrub can be trimmed well and can make a good small hedge.
Syringa vulgaris ‘Belle de Nancy’ / Lilac


Syringa vulgaris ‘Belle de Nancy’ / Lilac

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Syringa vulgaris ‘Belle de Nancy’ is a deciduous shrub with mid green foliage during the summer. It is a French lilac. It produces highly fragrant double flowers, which are upright panicles and pink-mauve when they first emerge. They gradually turn lilac-pink before taking on a blue hue during the summer months. This lilac is excellent for butterflies and bees. For the best flowering display, it is important to prune immediately after flowering. Plant in a moist, well drained soil in a sunny position. Syringa vulgaris ‘Belle de Nancy’ has an eventual height of 2.5m and a spread of 2m.
Pittosporum tobira ‘Nanum’ (dwarf Japanese Mock Orange)


Pittosporum tobira ‘Nanum’ (dwarf Japanese Mock Orange)

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Pittosporum tobira ‘Nanum’ is an evergreen shrub. It  has deep green, glossy leaves with small heads of creamy-white scented flowers which appear in the summer. Pittosporum tobira ‘Nanum’ is an excellent shrub for coastal conditions. It can be planted in full sun to partial shade and is tolerant of windy and coastal conditions. Pittosporum tobira ‘Nanum’ will grow on most soils except waterlogged or chalky conditions. It is slow growing and has a compact growth habit.
Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’ (dwarf Heavenly Bamboo)


Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’ (dwarf Heavenly Bamboo)

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’ is a compact, evergreen shrub. Its leaves are yellow-green during the summer, turning orange and red in the autumn and winter. Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’ produces small white flowers in the summer. Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’ thrives in well-drained, fertile soil and to get the best autumn colours, prefers full sun and being sheltered from the cold.
Camellia japonica


Camellia japonica

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Camellia japonica has lush, shiny green leaves, which look fresh during the winter months. Camellia japonica produces beautiful, colourful flowers from February through to April. They prefer a moist, acidic, well-drained soil, and are happier in a partially shaded position. Too much sun can depress their flowers. They also need to be protected from frost, and it is wise to prune after they have flowered to encourage new growth. Camellia japonica have an eventual  height and spread of 1 – 1.5 metres. They will require extra watering during dry summer conditions.
Viburnum x burkwoodii / Burkwood Viburnum


Viburnum x burkwoodii / Burkwood Viburnum

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Viburnum x burkwoodii is an evergreen shrub with dark green leaves and highly fragrant white\pale pink flowers from mid-late spring. Viburnum x burkwoodii has an eventual height and width of approximately 1.5-2.5m and grows very well in full sun or partial shade. The shrub prefers a moist, well-drained soil.
Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’


Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ is a spreading, deciduous small shrub. Over time, the branches develop corky ridges. The green leaves turn a striking rosy-red in the autumn. Small green flowers appear and these are followed by red-purple fruits that contain orange seeds. Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ can be grown in full sun or partial shade, in an exposed or sheltered position. It has an eventual height of 0.5-1m and a spread of 1-1.5m, and should be planted in a moist, well drained soil.
Agapanthus umbellatus ovatus


Agapanthus umbellatus ovatus

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Agapanthus umbellatus ovatus is a beautiful shrub with bright green leaves. The lilac blue flowers appear on long, upright stems from July to September. It is also known as the African Lily. Agapanthus umbellatus ovatus can be planted in full sun and has an eventual height of 1.2m and a spread of 60cm. They are very resistant to drought and are good for bees.
Agapanthus umbellatus ‘Alba’


Agapanthus umbellatus ‘Alba’

by Arundel Arboretum on Dec 11, 2022
Agapanthus umbellatus ‘Alba’ is a variety of African Lily. The stunning white flowers adorn the long stems. It is an evergreen shrub, with beautiful lanceolate and bright green leaves. The flowers will appear from July to September. Agapanthus umbellatus ‘Alba’ can withstand a very dry location.