Potted shrubs, plant all year round

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Flowering Shrubs

Abelia Shrubs

Abelia Shrubs

12 items

Agapanthus | African, Lily of the Nile shrubs

Agapanthus | African, Lily of the Nile shrubs

9 items

Azalea Shrubs

Azalea Shrubs

11 items

Berberis | Barberry shrubs

Berberis | Barberry shrubs

3 items

Buddleja | Butterfly Bush shrub

Buddleja | Butterfly Bush shrub

16 items

Callicarpa shrubs

Callicarpa shrubs

0 item

Calycanthus shrubs

Calycanthus shrubs

0 item

Camellia Shrubs | Japonica & Sasanqua

Camellia Shrubs | Japonica & Sasanqua

16 items

Caryopteris shrubs | Bluebeard | Blue Mist Spirea

Caryopteris shrubs | Bluebeard | Blue Mist Spirea

3 items

California Lilac shrub | Ceanothus

California Lilac shrub | Ceanothus

7 items

Ceratostigma | Leadwort shrubs

Ceratostigma | Leadwort shrubs

1 item

Flowering Quince | Chaenomeles shrubs

Flowering Quince | Chaenomeles shrubs

3 items

Choisya shrubs

Choisya shrubs

3 items

Cistus | Rock rose shrubs

Cistus | Rock rose shrubs

3 items

Daphne shrubs

Daphne shrubs

1 item

Deutzia | Japanese snow flower

Deutzia | Japanese snow flower

1 item

Diervilla | Bush Honeysuckle

Diervilla | Bush Honeysuckle

1 item

Edgeworthia | Paperbush

Edgeworthia | Paperbush

1 item

Enkianthus | Red Vein Enkianthus

Enkianthus | Red Vein Enkianthus

1 item

Escallonia shrubs

Escallonia shrubs

1 item

Forsythia | Golden Bells

Forsythia | Golden Bells

0 item

Gardenia | Cape jasmine

Gardenia | Cape jasmine

1 item

Hamamelis | Witch Hazel

Hamamelis | Witch Hazel

4 items

Hebe shrubs

Hebe shrubs

8 items

Hibiscus Shrubs

Hibiscus Shrubs

5 items

Hydrangea Shrubs | Flowering plants | Pink Blue Red White

Hydrangea Shrubs | Flowering plants | Pink Blue Red White

20 items

Hypericum | St. John's wort

Hypericum | St. John's wort

1 item

Kalmia | Mountain Laurel

Kalmia | Mountain Laurel

0 item

Kolkwitzia | Beautybush

Kolkwitzia | Beautybush

1 item

Lavender | English, French Lavender | Lavandula | UK Grown Shurbs

Lavender | English, French Lavender | Lavandula | UK Grown Shurbs

5 items

Lavatera | Tree mallow

Lavatera | Tree mallow

0 item

Loropetalum | Chinese fringe flower shrubs

Loropetalum | Chinese fringe flower shrubs

12 items

Magnolia Flowering shrubs

Magnolia Flowering shrubs

3 items



0 item

Forsythia | Golden Bells

Forsythia | Golden Bells

0 item

Osmanthus evergreen shrubs

Osmanthus evergreen shrubs

4 items

Philadelphus | Mock Orange

Philadelphus | Mock Orange

3 items

Physocarpus | Ninebark Shrubs

Physocarpus | Ninebark Shrubs

4 items

Pieris shrubs | Lily-of-the-Valley

Pieris shrubs | Lily-of-the-Valley

7 items

Potentilla | Shrubby Cinquefoil

Potentilla | Shrubby Cinquefoil

1 item

Pyracantha | Firethorn shrubs

Pyracantha | Firethorn shrubs

15 items

Rhaphiolepis | Indian hawthorn

Rhaphiolepis | Indian hawthorn

3 items

Rhododendron shrubs

Rhododendron shrubs

13 items

Rose | Rosa shrubs

Rose | Rosa shrubs

0 item



4 items

Spiraea shrub | Bridal wreath

Spiraea shrub | Bridal wreath

2 items

Lilac | Syringa shrubs

Lilac | Syringa shrubs

13 items

Tamarix shrubs

Tamarix shrubs

1 item

Vitex | Chasteberry

Vitex | Chasteberry

1 item

Weigela shrubs

Weigela shrubs

11 items

Viburnum Shrubs

Viburnum Shrubs

17 items