Fast growing shrubs for privacy

Today, customers are often concerned about screenage and come to us for fast growing shrubs for privacy, whether it is for a new build project, to replace existing trees and shrubs that have been removed or an extension to a neighbouring property.

An evergreen shrub will provide dense screenage all year round, and they will also act as a windbreak. Most evergreen shrubs require little maintenance to keep them looking good.

From experience, we are aware that our customers require shrubs that grow quickly because they want to create a screen and privacy instantly. We have many varieties in stock that fulfill these requirements.

Selecting your shrubs

Selecting your fast growing shrubs for privacy does require a little thought so that you purchase the right one for your environment. You should always consider where the plants will be positioned so that they can cope with their surroundings e.g. if you live near the sea you need a plant that can cope with the salt conditions. Plants that are suitable for these conditions include Quercus ilex, Griselinia littoralis, Euonymous japonica and Tamarisk.


The location of your fast growing shrubs is very important if you are creating a screen for privacy purposes, as the plants are likely to be planted near a wall or driveway. You will need to remember that root systems grow down and laterally, and the bigger the plant, the bigger the root system will become. We would not recommend planting Bamboo for example near to walls and pathways, as they have a vigorous, invasive root system.


When choosing your plants for screening purposes, be sure you are aware of the eventual height and spread to make sure it will be suitable for your needs and will have the space to grow.

Ground Conditions

Always choose plants that will do well in your ground conditions. Also, take into account the way your garden faces (north, south, east or west) and therefore the way the plants will face and how they will cope with the weather conditions. We suggest you look around your local area to see what grows well. This is always a good indication of what plants are best to invest in.

Some plants that can effectively be used for screenage include:

Prunus laurocerasus ‘Rotundifolia’

Prunus laurocerasus ‘Rotundifolia’ is a fast growing evergreen shrub. It produces a very dense hedge with large, glossy green leaves. It has upright spikes of white flowers in the spring, which are followed by cherry-red berries, but these are harmful if ingested. This shrub is suitable for damp, shady areas; dry, shady areas and wet areas. It will not tolerate coastal or chalk conditions. The shrub has an eventual height of approximately 5m.

Prunus laurocerasus ‘Caucasica’

Prunus laurocerasus ‘Caucasica’ is another fast growing, upright and bushy evergreen shrub. It has attractive spikes of white clusters of flowers in April-May. These are followed by black fruits. This shrub is able to tolerate deep shade and dry conditions, although the shrub needs to be kept moist for the first year. The dark green leaves are 15-18cm long and can be trimmed to shape. The shrub has an eventual height and spread of 4-6m.

Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’

Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’ is a highly ornamental evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, which are brilliant red when they are young. Small white flowers appear in April-May, and these are sometimes followed by bright red fruit later in the summer. The shrub can be trimmed to shape and size and has an eventual height and spread of 5m.

Elaeagnus x ebbingei

Elaeagnus x ebbingei is a very hardy evergreen shrub, and very easy to grow. The foliage is dark green with a silvery underside. It produces fragrant, creamy flowers in September-October and these are followed by orange speckled silver fruit later into the winter. The shrub will tolerate partial shade and dry conditions, although it is best to avoid chalk. The shrub can be kept clipped to shape and size and has an eventual height and spread of 4m.

Griselinia littoralis

Griselina littoralis is a dense, upright shrub. It has glossy, light apple-green leathery leaves, and is very good in coastal positions. The shrub produces yellow flowers in April-May. It has an eventual height of 4m and a spread of 2m.

Our knowledgeable staff here at Arundel Arboretum are able to advise and help you select the most suitable plants for creating privacy in your garden. We look forward to welcoming you to our nursery and helping you make the right choices your garden.


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