Bringing Life to your Garden – 5 Perfect Trees for Birds

As beautiful as trees can be on their own, any garden is improved by the addition of some resident wildlife. Today we’re discussing the best trees for tempting birds into your garden…

Any tree planted helps birds by providing berries or fruit to feed off in the autumn and, when in leaf, attracting insects that feed on foliage. These insects then help birds to rear their chicks, providing a food source for the chicks and the birds too.

Also important for a nesting site is a thorny tree, as this will add extra protection for nesting birds against squirrels raiding their nests.

A few of our favourite trees are:

Amelanchier canadensis – a small, deciduous tree with green foliage, turning yellow-red and orange copper tinges in the autumn. It has masses of small white flowers normally in April, which are followed by berries.

Crataegus persimilis ‘Prunifolia’ – a small tree with glossy green foliage, turning such stunning colours in the autumn. Red-orange-yellow. It has white flowers in May followed by large berries ripening late into the autumn. It is good for Fieldfares and Red Wings and is such a tough tree. A heavily thorned tree (common name Cockspur Thorn) it is an ideal nesting site.

Malus ‘Evereste’ – is another small tree which has green leaves that turn mainly yellow in the autumn. The white flowers produce good crab apples into the winter. We have spent time observing Fieldfares eating the crab apples when snow is on the ground, with Thrushes and Blackbirds jostling for position!

Corylus Avellana (Hazel) – All the way through the spring, summer and autumn the Long Tailed Tits feed off the insect life on the leaves. This small tree turns brilliant yellow in the autumn.

Euonymous Europeaus ‘Red Cascade’ – This deciduous tree has green leaves, turning red-orange and yellow in the autumn. The white flowers develop a pink shell with an orange berry that will show itself when ripe. The birds love them.

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