Autumn Plants
After the hot summer weather we have recently had, the first signs of autumn are starting to appear at our Arundel Arboretum garden centre.
Our deciduous trees and shrubs are starting to change colour, and over the next few weeks, our Arundel garden centre will be transformed into a spectacle of riotous colours including fiery reds, flame-coloured oranges and various shades of vibrant and delicate yellows. Some of our trees and shrubs will also be laden with berries – much to our resident birds’ delight!
If you are making plans for your garden over the winter months, and are particularly interested in trees and shrubs with autumn interest, a visit to our Arundel garden centre over the next few weeks will be very beneficial. You will be able to see what we have available and see the plants in all their autumn splendour.
We have an extensive range of plants with autumn interest now. Some of our Euonymous varieties are showing signs of their autumn colours starting to emerge, and two varieties you may like to consider include:-
Euonymous alatus ‘Compactus’ (compact Winged Spindle)
As the name suggests, this variety of Euonymous is a compact, small deciduous shrub. Over time, its branches develop corky ridges. Its green leaves turn a striking rosy-red in the autumn, with small green flowers that are followed by red-purple fruits which contain orange seeds.
Euonymous alatus ‘Compactus’ will grow in full sun or partial shade, in either an exposed or sheltered position. It should be planted in a moist, well-drained soil, and will reach an eventual height of 0.5-1m with a spread of 1-1.5m.
Euonymous europaeus ‘Red Cascade’ (Spindle – ‘Red Cascade’)
Euonymous europaeus ‘Red Cascade’ is a large deciduous shrub with vigorous growth. Its oval green leaves turn a stunning bright red in the autumn. Small yellow-green flowers appear in summer, which is followed by bright pink-red fruits in the autumn. These open to reveal their brilliant orange seeds.
A visit to Arundel Arboretum garden centre to see our extensive range of autumn plants in all their splendid colours is a must!