3 evergreen trees to add year long interest
Evergreen trees hold their foliage all year round and are therefore a perfect choice for year round interest as they have constant ornamental qualities and prevent a garden looking bare. Evergreen trees are low maintenance as they do not shed their leaves so no leaf clearing in the autumn! Be aware however, that they naturally shed some foliage just as we shed our skin and some may require occasional pruning to get them in shape. Any shedding will be replenished with fresh, new growth.
As evergreen trees have a constant interest, they can act as a natural focal point to your garden design. Depending upon the variety you choose, they can also be grown in containers adding a further feature to your garden.
Evergreen trees come in different heights, foliage type (e.g. needle-like or leaf form) and colour. Most evergreens however, are predominantly green. Like all trees for your garden, you are advised to choose wisely and here at Arundel Arboretum, we are always on hand to help with this. You need to consider the different shapes and sizes available, together with foliage colour and type and your ultimate goal for your purchase. Is it for a focal feature or screenage for example? Also consider your ground conditions and that not all evergreens can cope with hard pruning as some can lose their beauty afterwards. We will always be on hand to assist with the factors that need to be considered when making your purchase.
3 evergreen trees to add year-long interest to your garden could include:
Arbutus unedo (Strawberry tree) is an interesting small garden tree. It has dark green leaves and produces spectacular, pendulous white flowers that are followed by bright red fruits in the autumn. These are very popular with the birds! It also has a rough reddish-brown flaky bark, which is equally attractive. Arbutus unedo makes a good screenage or specimen tree, it is tolerant of pollution and will grow happily in a sheltered position in full sun so it’s ideal for a city garden.

Arundel Arboretum are leading stockists of evergreen trees in West Sussex and we are always available to help advise you on the right purchase for your conditions and requirements.
Please do come along to our nursery just outside Arundel to see our excellent, extensive range of evergreen trees.