Worcester Pearmain
Worcester Pearmain is hardy, reliable and resistant to mildew. However, it can be susceptible to scab and canker. It is best to leave the small-medium sized fruits on the tree until they are fully ripe. This enhances the flavour and aroma. Worcester Pearmain is slow to start bearing fruit The skin is yellowish-green, flushed with bright red. Picking time is early September.
Tydeman’s Early
Tydeman’s Early is a dessert apple. It produces good sized fruit. The skin is pale yellow which is flushed with crimson red and purplish-crimson stripes. Tydeman’s Early produces apples which are rich in flavour. It is sweet with a little acidity. Pick from August to September.
Sunset variety is an offspring of Cox’s Orange Pippin. It is a hardy, compact small-medium sized apple. It has good disease resistance. The skin is golden which is flushed and striped with red. It also has small patches of russet. Sunset has a very good flavour, and is crisp, sweet and juicy. It crops regularly and heavily and picking time is late September.
Spartan variety is a medium fruit with smooth, yellow skin which is flushed with dark red. It is white fleshed, crisp and juicy. It is a hardy tree and yields moderately. Spartan can be susceptible to canker. If the fruit is small, it is essential to thin the tree, and it will also respond well to feeding. Picking time is October.
Kidd’s Orange Red
Kidd’s Orange Red is a small-medium sized fruit from New Zealand. It is similar in flavour and texture to Cox’s Orange Pippin. It is a heavy and regular cropper. The skin is yellow, which is heavily flushed with red. There are also patches of pale brown russet. It is suitable for north facing gardens. Kidd’s Orange Red has quite good resistance to disease. Picking time is early October.
The Katy variety originates from Sweden, and is therefore a good choice for north facing gardens. It is a small-medium size fruit with greenish-yellow skin, which is heavily flushed with bright red. Katy is a heavy and regular cropper. The fruit is juicy and refreshing. Picking time is early September.
Jupiter was introduced in 1982, as a variety similar to Cox’s Orange Pippin – similar in flavour but without the unreliability. It is a heavy cropper and has vigorous growth. Jupiter needs to be grafted onto a dwarfing stock. It is a medium size apple with golden-yellow skin, which is flushed and striped with red. Picking time is mid-September.
James Grieve
James Grieve variety is an excellent choice if you have a difficult site. The medium-large size fruit is reliable and hardy. It is a heavy and regular cropper. James Grieve has soft textured fruit which is juicy and tangy. The skin is yellow which is speckled and striped with orange. Picking time is early September.
Greensleeves produces a medium size fruit and is similar to Golden Delicious. It is hardy and easy to manage. The skin is pale green which turns pale yellow. Greensleeves fruits early in life, and can produce heavy crops. The flavour soon fades when stored. Picking time is September.
Granny Smith
Granny Smith produces a medium size fruit. It is a reliable and heavy cropper. It does however need a hot summer and a favourable location. Granny Smith needs to be picked late and stored for a long time to produce a fruit suitable for eating. The skin is green and this is sometimes flushed and striped with brown. Picking time is late October.
Fiesta variety is a good substitute if you are not able to grow Cox’s Orange Pippin. However, the flavour is not as good. It is reliable and crops well. Fiesta has medium-large fruit and the skin is yellow which is flushed and striped with red. Picking time is early October.
Red Falstaff
Red Falstaff is a dessert apple with red coloured fruit. It is a self-fertile variety, and crops well. It has crisp, juicy, well flavoured fruit. Red Falstaff flowers mid-season and the crop is ready for picking in October.
Discovery is an ideal apple tree for a small garden, due to its moderate growth. It has a small-medium fruit with a firm flesh. Discovery skin is yellow and covered with bright crimson. It is disease resistant and tolerates frost. It can be slow to start cropping. Picking time is August.
Cox’s Orange Pippin
Cox’s Orange Pippin variety is a medium size dessert apple and regarded by many as the best eating apple. It has a superb flavour and is also crisp and juicy. It is not suitable for northern districts. In the south it can be temperamental. Cox’s Orange Pippin is susceptible to frost and disease. The skin is golden and this is flushed with orange-red. There are also patches of brown russet. Picking time is October.
Charles Ross
Charles Ross variety is large and round and has a sweet, juicy flavour. However, it can become dry and tasteless if stored for long periods. The skin is yellow-green and this is flushed and striped with orange-red. Charles Ross is good as a dessert or cooking apple. Picking time is mid September.
Blenheim Orange
Blenheim Orange is a large variety and has a creamy flesh. It is crisp and dry and has a nutty flavour. It is a good cropper, and can be used for cooking as well as a dessert apple. Blenheim Orange fruit has golden skin which is flushed and striped with dull red and brown russet. It has vigorous growth and it is recommended purchasing on a dwarfing stock. Picking time is early October.
Pixie variety produces attractive looking fruit. They are crisp, juicy and aromatic. The small-medium fruit has yellow-green skin flushed and striped with red. Pixie crop heavily and are disease resistant. Picking time is mid October.
Laxton Superb
Laxton Superb produces medium-large fruits, but is not suitable for small gardens. Thinning is usually necessary, and it is susceptible to scab. The skin is green-yellow and is flushed with dark red. There are also patches of russet. Laxton Superb fruit stores well and the flowers are fairly frost resistant. Picking time is early October.
Jonagold has excellent fruit quality. It is crisp, full of flavour and juicy. The fruits are large-very large and the skin is green-yellow and lightly flushed and mottled in red. Jonagold has vigorous growth and its spreading habit could be a problem for a smaller garden. It crops very well and young trees fruit quickly. Picking time is mid October.
Howgate Wonder
Howgate Wonder is a very large variety, and it grows well if you live in the north or in a frosty area. It is a vigorous growing, spreading tree. It is a very heavy cropper. Howgate Wonder flavour can sometimes be insipid. The skin colour is green-yellow which is flushed and striped with pale red. Picking time is October.
Golden Delicious
Golden Delicious does require sunnier conditions that Britain can produce to give it its best as the flavour and size can disappoint after a poor summer. It has medium size fruit and the skin is green or golden yellow. This apple tree is a good pollinator for other varieties. Golden Delicious fruit stores well. Picking time is late October.
Gala is medium size variety has a sweet, crisp flesh. It crops well. However, it is prone to canker and scab and the fruit can be quite small if the tree is not thinned. Gala skin is yellow and heavily flushed with red. Picking time is October.
Ellison’s Orange
Ellison’s Orange is a medium size variety, which is hardy and easy to grow. Ellison’s Orange is juicy and has an aniseed flavour. It is scab and frost resistant but canker can be a problem. The skin is green-yellow which is flushed and striped with red. Picking time is mid September.
Ashmead’s Kernel
Ashmead’s Kernel is about 300 years old! It has yellow flesh which is crisp and has an excellent flavour. It is scab resistant and the fruit stores well. Ashmead’s Kernel is not recommended for exposed north facing gardens as this will affect the cropping, which overall is light and erratic. The skin is yellow-green which is covered with mid brown russet. Picking time is mid October.
Lord Lambourne
Lord Lambourne is a dessert apple suitable for small gardens as it has a compact growth. It is a very successful regular cropper wherever planted. Lord Lambourne produces a medium size fruit which is sweet and juicy. The skin is green-yellow which is flushed and striped with red. Picking time is mid September.
Egremont Russet
Egremont Russet is a dessert apple which produces small-medium size fruit with a rough skin. It has a very good flavour with a crisp flesh. The blossom is frost resistant. The skin is golden with large patches of pale brown russet. Egremont Russet has an upright growth habit. Picking time is late September.
Belle de Boskoop
Belle de Boskoop is a cooking and dessert apple. It produces medium-large fruits with a creamy flesh, and sweet\sharp flavour. The skin is yellow-red with mottled russet. Belle de Boskoop stores well and is a good cropper. It has good resistance to scab and canker. The picking time is in early October.
Newton Wonder
Newton Wonder has very vigorous growth and is therefore not suitable for small gardens. It is known for its heavy yields of fine-flavoured very large fruits. The fruit is juicy and acid and cooks well. It is not regarded as a dual purpose variety, but stored Newton Wonder can be used as a dessert apple. The skin is golden-yellow which is flushed and striped with red. The picking time is October.
Bramley’s Seedling
Bramley’s Seedling is the most popular cooking apple. It produces heavy crops of large fruit with a creamy flesh which is full of flavour. It grows vigorously and is not therefore suitable for small gardens. Bramley’s Seedling is often a biennial cropper. The skin is yellow-green which is lightly striped with red. Picking time is mid October.
Bountiful is an ideal choice if you have a small garden. It is quite sweet for a cooking apple, and you may not need to add extra sugar. Bountiful produces large fruits which are pale green, striped with orange-red. It is a heavy cropper. Picking time is late September.
Rev. W Wilks
Rev. W Wilks is a compact, short rooted variety of cooking apple. It is recommended for small gardens. It has good resistance to disease. Rev. W Wilks produces high yields of large fruit which are of good quality, juicy and tangy. The skin is pale green which is flushed and striped with dark pink. It is a biennial fruiter. The picking time is early September.
Idared is a medium-large size fruit is suitable for cooking and eating. However, it does lack flavour. Idared stores very well. The skin is yellow and flushed with bright red, and the flesh is white. Picking time is late October.